Local fee must be paid when transferring money using the specified account number. Otherwise, the payment will not be credited.
Recipient – Biudžetinė įstaiga “Parkavimas Kaune”
Recipient’s bank – AB SEB bank
Account number – LT10 7044 0600 0805 7611
In the payment purpose, specify: Type of permit and the license plate number of the vehicle
Permission to park a vehicle in a multi-story car park at Donelaičio str. 65A
Price – 340 € (per year). Number of permits is limited!
Only this permit is valid in this parking lot; all other permits are not valid here!
Application form to obtain a permit to park a car at Donelaičio str. 65A
To activate one of the two vehicle license plates in the electronic permit, call the phone number: +37069001001.
Permit prices:
Annual permit in the yellow, red, blue, dark blue, green, and beach zones (valid for 365 days from the date of purchase) – €1200
Annual permit for the Old Town zone ONLY (valid for 365 days from the date of purchase) – 1200 €
Quarterly permit in the yellow, red, blue, dark blue, green, and beach zones (valid for 90 days from the date of purchase) – €350
Monthly permit in the yellow, red, blue, dark blue, green, and beach zones (valid for 30 days from the date of purchase) – €150
Yellow OR Old town zone permit form
Annual permit in red, blue, and green zones (valid for 365 days from the date of purchase) – 800 €
Quarterly permit in red, blue, and green zones (valid for 90 days from the date of purchase) – 350 €
Monthly permit in red, blue, and green zones (valid for 30 days from the date of purchase) – 150 €
Zone parking lots permit for a year*: green zones – 150 €, blue zones – 360 €, red zones – 500 €, yellow and orange zones – 700 €
*with this permit, you can only park in a specific zone in a specific parking lot. These permits are not valid on the streets.
Special permit for residents – €50
Residents can download the application form, fill it out, sign it (if you wish the institution to collect all the information needed to issue the permit, also sign in the red square), and send it by email to: info@parkavimaskaune.lt. For questions, call: +370-620-84060
After the expiration of the permit, it is issued in the same manner: by filling out the application and attaching the required documents.
First permit for a legal entity*** – 200 €
All issued parking permits for vehicles are electronic.
*For individuals and legal entities actively conducting activities in premises (excluding garages) within the territory, whose boundaries start from the intersection of Vytauto Ave. with Parodos St. and continue to the intersection with Griunvaldas St., Griunvaldas St. to the intersection with Gedimino St., Gedimino St. to Kaunakiemio St., Karaliaus Mindaugo Ave. to the intersection with Aleksotas St., Aleksotas St. to the intersection with Prieplaukos St., Prieplaukos St. to the confluence of the Nemunas and Neris, from the confluence of the Nemunas and Neris to the Petro Vileišis Bridge, from the Petro Vileišis Bridge to Šauklių St., Šv. Gertrūdos St. to the intersection with Savanorių Ave., Savanorių Ave. to Savanorių Ave. 26, section from Savanorių Ave. 24 to V. Putvinskis St., V. Putvinskis St. to the intersection with Žemaičių St., Žemaičių St. to the intersection with K. Donelaičio St., K. Donelaičio St. to the intersection with Parodos St. This permit allows using spaces for parking vehicles within the vicinity of the house (not on the street, but in paid parking spaces within the internal territory of the multi-apartment building(s)), located no more than 50 meters from the real estate object specified in the permit.
Electric Vehicle Permit – free of charge
Only electric vehicle owners who have a special electric vehicle permit are exempt from the local fee in the orange, yellow, red, blue, and green zones.
Special permits for electric vehicle owners are issued upon submission of an application and vehicle registration certificate.
Special permits are only issued to owners of motor vehicles in which the energy for mechanical movement is supplied exclusively from an electric energy accumulator. Special permits are not issued to hybrid vehicle owners.
Permission for media vehicle operators (valid for 365 days from the date of purchase) – €600
Procedure for issuing permits for media vehicle operators:
- Permits are issued only for media vehicles that are included in the Public Information Creators and Distributors database published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania to vehicle operators.
- Permits are issued only for those media vehicles that are registered or have a branch in Kaunas.
- Permits are issued only for those media vehicles that constantly inform about Kaunas news.
- For media vehicles with a staff of 1 to 10 (inclusive), no more than 2 permits are issued.
- For media vehicles with a staff of more than 10 people, no more than 4 permits are issued.
30-day permit to park vehicles in the parking lot near Kaunas Railway Station at M. K. Čiurlionio str. 14 for individuals who have purchased timed 30-day train tickets – €20.
90-day permit to park vehicles in the parking lot near Kaunas Railway Station at M. K. Čiurlionio str. 14 for individuals who have purchased timed 90-day train tickets – €60.
Application form to obtain a parking permit near the railway station
Fee for the actual time spent parked in the previous month can be paid by entering into an agreement with the company “Parkavimas Kaune”. In this case, the vehicle must be equipped with equipment that determines the vehicle’s location.
To change the license plate number in the permit, you need to fill out the application form and (if required by law) attach the necessary documents. The same requirements apply to changing the license plate number as obtaining a new permit.
Application form to change information in the permit
Examples of blanks for permits issued by the budget institution “Parkavimas Kaune”:
These permits are issued only to vehicle owners or operators who have the right to park vehicles in the “Reserved Parking Space” sign zone.